All-Star Profile: BrechtSchamp

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

"I live in Ghent, a beautiful city in Belgium, I love it. Back in the day I studied engineering here, with a specialization in IT. That consisted of mainly three parts: general engineering subjects, software development related subjects and system/network engineering subjects. After graduating I decided to go into networking & security. I worked for a vendor of industrial (IT) equipment for a number of years. My job had a very broad scope, engineering, presales, support, etc. I loved it and I learned a lot. But my hunger for the cutting edge of IT pushed me away from OT and into IT. That is when I took a job at Dimension Data Belgium (now called NTT Limited) as a Solutions Specialist Network Integration.

After working for 4 years in networking presales I have recently moved over to the security team. My job is to translate our customers’ needs into designs/architectures, bills of materials and professional services scopes. I was introduced to Meraki quite early on, and I instantly clicked with it. Ever since I’ve been evangelizing Meraki at our company. What I do on the community helps me to keep up with the latest and greatest of Meraki and I learn a lot. That said, what I post on the community are my personal opinions and recommendations, not necessarily what our engineers would do. I am in presales after all…

I’m a geek, and I’m often reminded of this fact by my girlfriend, luckily she puts up with it. I have a passion for all things IT and I love playing around with home automation, scripting, Raspberry Pi’s. I also love movies, series and games. I like to go out for drinks with friends and colleagues, and I suffer from FOMO. I also own a motorcycle and like to work on that. If I do sports it’s usually going out for a run, but I often fail to make time for it. We also like to travel, and in the last years we’ve gone scuba diving on each trip. We love that.


See all of @BrechtSchamp's community contributions on his profile.