This morning I set up a vMX - S following this guide:
The vMX is connected to my dashboard and shows online. I've set it to VPN Concentrator Mode. Set to HUB in Site-to-Site VPN settings and added my two subnets (my VM subnet and the subnet the actual vMX device is on) in the Site-to-Site VPN settings Local addresses. Both of these subnets are defined in my Virtual Network on the Azure side.
The Site-to-Site vpn is up between my physical MXs and the vMX (according the dashboard anyway). I can ping the private IP of vMX from my physical clients and my VMs can ping the vMX. However, my physical clients can't reach anything on the VM subnet and my VMs can't reach anything on the other side of the vMX.
I'm suspecting I didn't properly configure something in the "Additional Azure Route Table Configuration" step of the setup guide. I set up a route with my VM Subnet defining it's next hop to be the private ip of the vMX and associated the VM Subnet, but I feel like I should need to create a route pointing the vMX back to the VM Subnet? I'm not sure.
According to the guide I should be finished, but I see no clients associated with the vMX network in the Meraki Dashboard (client tracking set to IP) and no traffic is passing my site-to-site VPNs.
Does anyone have any advice for troubleshooting?