Onboarding Catalyst Switches

How to onboard Catalyst devices for Cloud Monitoring?


First, make sure you have the following:

  • Your Dashboard API Key (Here's how to find it)

  • SSH Username & Password (Privilege-15 access)

  • Enable password

  • The device(s) IP Address


Tip: Here's a handy checklist for all pre-requisites required for Cloud Monitoring


Now you are ready to onboard your device(s):


  1. Download the onboarding app (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

  2. Run the app on a machine that has access to the network where your device(s) resides

  3. Use your API Key then click start

  4. Choose the organization that you would like to add the device(s) to then click next. (If you're new to Dashboard or just have one organization then this will be a single option)

    • Tip: Every Dashboard account is linked to one or more organizations. An Organization usually represents an entity such as a group of sites
  5. Enter the IP Address of each device you want to onboard (one per line) then click next

  6. Enter the SSH username and password, and the enable password then click next

  7. Click on Start pre-check

  8. Once the app shows "Ready for onboarding", click on next

  9. Choose a network to assign the device(s) to then click next. (If you're new to Dashboard or just have one network in your organization then this will be a single option)

    • Tip: Every Dashboard Organization contains one or more Networks. Networks usually represents a physical site (e.g. London site is Network1 and San Francisco site is Network2)
  10. Select the device(s) and then click next to confirm configuration changes by clicking on save

Once the app shows "Device is connected successfully" it means that you're all done! In Dashboard, navigate to Switch > Switches to see your Catalyst switches and start your Cloud Monitoring journey!


Here's a quick demo to walk you through the onboarding steps! 


Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 24 2024 3:43 AM
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