C9300-M Cloud Monitoring Mode

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C9300-M Cloud Monitoring Mode

I have a set of C9300-M switches that have not been configured or deployed.  I want to deploy them in cloud monitoring mode.   I looked on https://documentation.meraki.com/Cloud_Monitoring_for_Catalyst/Onboarding/Supported_Catalyst_9000_Se... and didn't see C9300-M series listed as a supported Catalyst 9000 for Cloud Monitoring.


I also saw that it is possible migrate to DNA or CLI managed mode by opening a case.




My question is if the C9300-M can be deployed using cloud monitoring or if I can open up a case to migrate to CLI managed mode.

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @wick 


Devices that end in -M come in Meraki Managed mode by default. You would have to migrate them first to DNA/CLI mode and then configure them as a monitor-only switch separately. Support can assist with Migrating to DNA/CLI mode.



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