Collect all three CLUS 2023 badges!

Community Manager

We’re thrilled to share 3 shiny new badges you can earn throughout the week of Cisco Live! Even if you aren’t attending the event in-person, you can still get 2 of these badges for virtual participation. 


First, everyone who joins the CLUS 2023 Meraki Lounge as a group member will receive the Meraki Community badge:

Meraki-Community-Badge-CLUS 2023.png


Second, anyone who completes one of the Meraki Learning research activities as part of our contest will receive the Meraki Learning Tester badge:



Third, folks who attend either of the Meraki Walk-in Labs during Cisco Live in person will receive the Meraki Walk-in Lab badge:



We’ll apply the badges to your account automatically in the weeks following Cisco Live, so expect to see them sometime after June 15th.

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