Hi, apologies if this has already been addressed elsewhere but I struggled to find anything relevant; I help manage a number of Meraki estates, some of them with several thousand devices within a single organisation and currently one of the most time-consuming tasks my colleagues and I have is where an MX device, using a cellular failover, loses service on said failover and we need to have the device physically rebooted in order to restore service. What it appears is that the reboot feature for the MX's is a soft reboot of somekind, as the cellular modem doesn't look to get restarted as part of the reboot cycle when issued on the Meraki dashboard. This also looks to be the case when we run the command via API: /devices/{serial}/reboot When we hard reboot an MX device, the full power-cycle invariably includes the cellular modem too, however this is time consuming in that if we see cellular services drop, we then need to call the site and request that the reboot said device. Times that by the sheer size of the estates managed and this almost becomes a full-time job. My question I guess is whether there's anyway within the confines of Meraki, that a reboot of an inbuilt cellular modem is possible or if there's a way to run a more comprehensive reboot, rather than what I assume to be a stop/start service on running processes?
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