Hello, Thought i would save someone some frustrations if they are also working on the integration. Below is the modified transformation code we are using, it is slightly different from the published coded by cisco in the dev portal. You will see an added custom filed "service" we are injecting into the body object for the "Details". We also "null" out the "shared secret" we are using as a filter for incoming alerts to Pagerduty. On the SNOW side we are using the field to key off from other services to direct what ingest script to run. some of the documentation says to use the field 'title' but we found this did not work, but kept it in the code in case things change but its commented out. // Consume Meraki Alert via Webhook var body = PD.inputRequest.body; // Set Alert Severity var severity = "warning"; // critical // error // warning // info // unknown if(body.alertType == "Settings changed") {severity = "info";} if(body.alertType == "Motion detected") {severity = "info";} if(body.alertType == "Network usage alert") {severity = "warning";} if(body.alertType == "APs went down") {severity = "critical";} if(body.alertType == "Uplink status changed" && !body.alertData.uplink) {severity = "critical";} var event_type = "PD.Trigger"; //PD.Trigger - use this event type to trigger a new event //PD.Resolve - use this event type to resolve a triggered incident //PD.Acknowledge - use this event type to acknowledge a triggered incident //if (body.alertType == "APs came up") {event_type="PD.Resolve";} //var title = body.alertType+": "+body.networkName; var description = body.alertType+": "+body.networkName; var service = "Meraki Alert"; //add custom field of service to body object body.service = service; //var custom_details = body+"/:/"+service; // Format payload var cef_event = { event_type: event_type, //title: title, description: description, severity: severity, source_origin: body.networkId, dedup_key: body.alertId, service_group: body.organizationId, event_action: PD.Trigger, details: body } // Check secret and store event const SECRET = "secret123"; if(body.sharedSecret == SECRET){ body.sharedSecret = null PD.emitCEFEvents([cef_event]); }
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