Goal- Upload floor plans to Meraki in bulk. Don't want to upload them one at a time. They are on my hard drive, how do I load them up to Meraki Cloud with API to automate the process? I have familiarized myself with Postman and have done simple tasks.
Mini Goal- upload one floor plan with API.
Trying to work with the API:
POST {{baseUrl}}/networks/:networkId/floorPlans
Here's my interpretation of what I need to do:
baseUrl = where am I going to post my floor plan to. My meraki customer location.
networks = part of the path in the cloud
network ID = one my campus IDs (we have 3)
floorPlans = location of where they are being posted
floorPlanId= looks like I need to create this? Hoping this would be assigned with API. I'm assuming I need to do something like the name of the floor plan "Education Building Smith Floor 1" with a next upload of "Education Building Smith Floor 2."
Questions based on my assumptions above:
1- If that's a post to Meraki, how do I call the material I want posted. Maybe a header or something? But I don't see that in the path provided. Is that something I add?
2- If I post this on a website with permissions- I don't see how to account for that right now either. Since Postman is local to my machine, I could pull from my computer to post but-
a- Best to run a web server on my machine to work this out with Postman?
b- What is the best practice here?
c- Post them on a trusted Google drive to use that path to upload?
Thanks in advance for any help. I'm hoping to get schooled here and be smarter for it.
Best, Jamie
Solved! Go to solution.
Thank you conlinster for the explanation! This is helpful.
This is helpful! Thanks!