Wifi password renewal on offline devices

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Wifi password renewal on offline devices


My question is:

If you have enrolled devices which were only joined to one wifi network, and you change the password, there´s a specific amount of time in which they can remain connected with the old password, just to be able to sync the new password?
Or they must be power up and online just when you apply the new password?


Recently we changed the wpa2 pre-shared key of one of our SSIDs set as direct access, and most of our enrolled iPads were updated successfully. But some of them were power off at that time and finally we must connect them manually to another SSiD, wait a few minutes to sync and then yes, they were capable of connect automatically to the prefered wifi network.


That´s normal?
Any idea?

2 Replies 2
Head in the Cloud

I'm assuming as he IPads lost network connectivity (switched off before SM update pushed) the only way for them to get updated with the SM updates would be to rejoin a network of some sort. Therefore the only logical option would be to manually enter the new pre-shared key to re-associate to the network.
Eliot F | Simplifying IT with Cloud Solutions
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To make sure the iPads get the update you have to make sure their online otherwise they will try to connect with the old SSID password. At that time it's not valid anymore so they cannot connect to the WiFi.


So yes, the behavior from the offline iPads at the time of the change seem normal to me.




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