NAT mode SSID extremely slow

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NAT mode SSID extremely slow

Hi guys,


I have MX 80 with 3 SSIDs. One LAN and two NAT (Meraki DHCP) Firmware is MR 25.9meraki wifi.JPG


We have 100Mbps up/down broadband internet. While LAN SSID is fast, the two NAT ones are really slow - we use those for cell phones and guest access. Could anyone tell me what could I do to make them faster?


Thanks, Pero



4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

What model MR is this on? Was this an issue prior to 25.9 firmware?


Just one observation - it seems like you could run two SSID's instead of three since your two NAT mode SSID's are accomplishing the same thing. 


Thanks man. It was traffic shaping that was the issue. I figured it out - had bandwidth on NAT SSIDs limited for some reason. Appreciate quick response.

Kind of a big deal

Try edit settings on one of those networks and in the content filtering section set it to Custom DNS and try using Google or some other public DNS.  I'd like to eliminate it trying to use your internal DNS.  

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Glad to hear it was just a traffic shaping thing.  You could certainly leverage traffic shaping to perhaps 5 or 10Mbps per client along with SpeedBurst enabled and you can adjust that SSID-by-SSID.  You could also take a more "global" approach via traffic shaping on the upstream MX.  Regardless, I wouldn't leave ALL traffic shaping completely disabled, but it depends on your deployment and users. 


Also, as @MRCUR pointed out, see if you can consolidate the two NAT mode SSIDs into one since they're really doing the same thing.  Depending on how many clients you'll have on those SSIDs, that could certainly save some resources on the AP (NAT tables, etc) as well as improve the RF, because every additional SSID is going to consume additional airtime, beacon at the lowest mandatory data rate, etc.  Try to stick with the general best practice of minimizing the # of SSIDs.  

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