Multiple VLANs to a single SSID


Multiple VLANs to a single SSID

Hey Meraki Community,


I am wanting to know if this is possible. We are currently running a network with 15 SSID's and we want to condense this to a single SSID. The problem we are running into is how do we set-up multiple VLAN's on a single SSID? I am not seeing this option through the GUI?

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

If you create a "Network Wide" / "group policy" you can tag a VLAN there. After that is created you can assign the policy by MAC address of the client like so:


Annotation 2019-10-23 105046.jpg

Kind of a big deal

To add to @kYutobi 's reply, if you're using a RADIUS server you can return a VLAN value in the Accept message that specifies a VLAN. You need to enable it under Wireless > Access control here:





Kind of a big deal

Thanks for the addition @jdsilva  🙌


To further add to the terrific responses, you can also assign a different vlan for the same ssid based on the tag assigned to the AP. This is often done if you would have too many users in a single vlan (broadcast domain). More info here:

Look for the section called Per-AP multiple VLAN tagging

Haha! Anyone else got a way to do this they'd like to mention?



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