Meraki cloud managed AP block local admin page on wifi/ssid

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Meraki cloud managed AP block local admin page on wifi/ssid

Trying to setup a meraki ap for a guest ssid.  Have managed to do most of the isolation as it is fairly easy but I noticed the end users could still get to the Meraki AP management page via the gateway ip address.


So in this case it is assigning and forcing dhcp to  If the user browses to, which is their gateway assigned by DHCP, they can get into the meraki AP interface.  They can't change much without the username and password, but I would rather they not be able to see it at all.


Is there a way to do that without blocking them from the internet completely?

5 Replies 5
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Sorry one other small note.  I cannot get to it from my Lan.  The ip of the lan network is and if I try to get to the AP, which is currently pulling I get no interface.


Seems like the lan is where you want that config page, and not on the wifi, but not sure how to make that happen.  Any help would be appreciated...even if the answer is it can't be done.

Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

I am not sure why you are not able to get to the AP from your computer, but I am doing the same thing and I can get to the local page. Maybe something upstream of your device is not allowing you to get to it. Since the local page is not used that much, I would suggest disabling it completely:

I think I figured out the issue, but it is still well weird.  I can get to the page via ip if I go to Network Wide > General and change device configuration so that local device status page is set to enabled (which it was), and Remote device status page is changed to enable...which it was not.


This also looks like how I would disable the status page over wifi.  So it fixes the issue...but seems clunky.  As you cannot tell it to allow via ip, only from lan, from what I can tell.  This would be handy, but likely not necessary for 99% of function.


Still would love to see this device config option by AP, Device, or even SSID.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You can disable to local device pages via the dashboard, I do this as standard practise however it can cause problems if the device loses dashboard connectivity as you then have no way or accessing the status page and have to factory reset the device. 

Thanks Blake, I did find that.  Just wish you could disable it from wifi but keep enabled on LAN.

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