Management Vlan best practices

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Management Vlan best practices

Hi guys,


Would you please advise about Meraki best practice for the management vlan? 

In  my test network I have pair of MXs followed by pair of aggregation switches which feed couple of access switches and WAPs...

All my vlans are configured in the aggregation switches where the intervlan routing happens....the current management vlan for the WAPs and the switches is Vlan 1 which  is same as the MX gateway that facing the aggregation switches.

Any idea about the best practice that I should follow?

I know above can cause issue for especially I'm planning to use RADIUS server one will sit in house and back up one in Azure.

Please let me know



1 Accepted Solution
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @SAM-Al


It is recommended to have a dedicated VLAN for management traffic, although not always required, per our KB article for Understanding and Configuring Management VLANs.


In your case, I would recommend configuring your aggregation switches' management interfaces in the transit VLAN (so that they can still function if anything happens downstream), and then creating a management VLAN on the aggregation switches for the remaining downstream equipment (access switches, APs, etc).


As long as routing is configuring properly, you shouldn't have an issue with on-premise or cloud based RADIUS server.





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1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @SAM-Al


It is recommended to have a dedicated VLAN for management traffic, although not always required, per our KB article for Understanding and Configuring Management VLANs.


In your case, I would recommend configuring your aggregation switches' management interfaces in the transit VLAN (so that they can still function if anything happens downstream), and then creating a management VLAN on the aggregation switches for the remaining downstream equipment (access switches, APs, etc).


As long as routing is configuring properly, you shouldn't have an issue with on-premise or cloud based RADIUS server.





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