Empty historical data for wireless AP


Empty historical data for wireless AP


I'm currently using the following AP to read historical data for signal quality for of my APs

I'm attempting to read timespan of 8h back from current time in a resolution of 300 secs (making a call for a specific AP so in the URL I'm only sending: deviceSerial, timespan and resolution)
As a result I'm getting back lots lines with empty RSSI and SNR like the following example:
(few lines are not empty and contains actual real values)
Q1: why do I get empty data back?
Request: I need historical data for AP SNR and RSSI but it's very problematic to make a cal for each AP, is it possible to extend API to return all the data for all the AP in a network?
1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @amirnetop


In regards to the APs that are not displaying SNR and RSSI values, what model AP and firmware version are they running? 

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