Air Marshal flagging everything it sees as a rogue AP


Air Marshal flagging everything it sees as a rogue AP

There is an access point in the neighborhood with a very similar MAC address to one of my Meraki APs. Bytes 2-6 of the MAC address match.


Apparently this is enough for Air Marshal to consider them being the same device:


Since the access point in the neighborhood which has a very similar MAC address to one of my Meraki APs isn't broadcasting an SSID, Air Marshall has started associating every AP is sees that isn't broadcasting an SSID with this one and is telling me that there's almost 400 Rogue Access points connected to my LAN. The number keeps going up every day.


This is completely inaccurate. The only thing connected to my LAN right now are the Meraki APs. There are no rogue access points.


I've opened a support ticket and tried to explain the issue but they aren't understanding. I'm at a loss of how to get this resolved.

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

I thought Air Marshal only detecting things with similar SSID's or devices connected to the LAN broadcasting wireless.  You're saying that just because a neighbors device has a somewhat similar MAC but totally different SSID it is triggering an alert?

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Kind of a big deal

@cbfs Are your APs on MR 25.11? If not, I would suggest upgrading your APs to that firmware release. It fixed an issue we were having here of an AP being marked rogue even though it was a Meraki AP in the network.

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@Adam Yes, that’s correct.


@vassallon Yes, they’re on MR 25.11, just installed them a few days ago.

This issue has been ongoing for me on multiple networks at different organizations and has never been resolved.  I'd really like to just disable the useless air marshal services at this point as they cause more problems than they solve.  Does anyone know of a way to do this?

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