Issues with Switch 10.6

Head in the Cloud

Issues with Switch 10.6

Anyone having issues while performing a firmware upgrade to 10.6 on Switches? We upgraded a site on the weekend however after upgrading all the switches required a physical reboot to come back online. 

Eliot F | Simplifying IT with Cloud Solutions
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8 Replies 8
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Which firmware did you upgrade from? Was the issue specific to any particular model?
Head in the Cloud

@Kapil MS 9.27 → MS 10.6, Not model specific. We have an MS320-24 and MS220-8P. Both of these devices required a physical reboot after upgrading to come back online. 

Eliot F | Simplifying IT with Cloud Solutions
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Head in the Cloud


I did an update from 9.32 to 10.6 on three networks with MS220-8P, MS225-48LP, MS220-48LP, MS220-24LP switches.

5 days ago.

No trouble, reboot was fine.


I had some trouble updating from 9.26 to 9.32. Some switches had to be power reconnected.



The firmware issues is definitely not resolved.  On this round of updates to my MS320 switches from 9.30 to 9.32, all but 5 of my switches had to be manually rebooted post deployment in order for the firmware to update.  I thought last Friday's snow day was a great day to update all the switches.  I was very wrong, since that required me to come in anyways and go closet t closet pulling power to switches until they were all updated and back online.

Thanks for the information, all. We are currently investigating this issue. In the interim, our recommendation is to perform a manual reboot via the dashboard, prior to the upgrade. 

Getting noticed

It would be nice if you could add a function to schedule the reboot. 

I've had the same thought.  Maybe even a scheduled "staggered" reboot.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Thank you to everyone for being so active in the Meraki Community.  


We have identified the issue which has been causing MS22, MS42, MS220 and MS320 switches to require a physical reboot during an upgrade.  The issue is present on switches currently running MS 9.0 and above.  We hope to rectify this issue and provide a fix shortly. 


In the interim, we have discovered a reboot of the switch via dashboard prior to performing an upgrade will prevent the switch from becoming unreachable.


As always, if you have any further questions/concern, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Cisco Meraki Support Team.

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