Security Cameras : API Development News

Head in the Cloud

Security Cameras : API Development News

I know a few people, like myself, are maybe interested in the API Capabilities with the security cameras.


The last I read on this is located here: APIs For Meraki Cameras (Update: July 23 2017)


(I wonder if the Meraki team are awaiting people to put forward ideas via 'Make a Wish'. If so, it would be great if they could communicate this.)


We would love to look at integrating this with our entire client software range if the API had some sort of way to record sections based on sending the camera 'start event recording' and 'end event recording' message. 

It might be good if people list here what features they might want to see with the Cameras API.

Thank you,
Peter James

1 Reply 1

Selfishly I'd like to see camera's export stills to an accessable URL so that it could be included within monitoring panels - streaming directly to camera's would be great, but a snapshot export function would be a good step to enable wider integration (such as with actiontiles)


Had this functionality in the past and was excellent for a Data Centre overview in our reception, showing wider information such as temperature, movement, moisture and finally snapshots of camera's - all on a screen for customers to see that everything was in hand! - with the Meraki camera's there's no way at the moment of integrating into wider status/dashboard screens, something that I can do now with my raspberry pi based systems....

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