Windows 10 Machine able to connect with VPN but not able to connect with Internet.

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Windows 10 Machine able to connect with VPN but not able to connect with Internet.

Hello Guys,


I am facing a different type of issue related to network. Issue is that I am able to connect with VPN client when I connected with VPN at that time my internet is not working. When I disconnect with VPN at the same time I am able to connect with internet.



Prateek Maheshwari

8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Prateek_1  I saw this exact same issue a few weeks ago, I can't remember exactly what I did to resolve it, I think it a windows update fixed it. 


The symptoms I had were the VPN would connect, as soon as it had windows reported it had no internet access. 

@Prateek_1  I remembered what my issue was, if the local IP range is the same as the VPN subnet range you will see this problem.


For example local LAN DHCP was 192.168.10.x and the VPN subnet was also 192.168.10.x. Windows didn't know how to deal with this.




We are having this issue with all new client setups right now and a few old setups also started having this issue. We did not change anything on the MX100. All internet traffic is being blocked but I cannot find any logs that show it is happening. I can ping sites by name or IP and DNS is resolving. I can RDP in or out of the client PC as well. The VPN subnet is 192.168.1.x and our LAN is 10.0.0.x. The VPN client can connect to local servers on the LAN via VPN.


I am having a possibly similar problem that I have posted about here.


The VPN connects fine.

I can ping resources on the other end of the VPN fine.

Nslookup to DNS servers over the VPN works fine.

But all TCP traffic times out and does not transmit.


Is your situation similar to mine?




Yes, this sounds like the same issue as we are experiencing. Another weird thing was that I uninstalled Dell Optimizer on one client and the problem went away. This however did not fix any other clients with the VPN issue. Must have been a coincidence.


Have managed to identify the issue.


In our example the problem was caused by the presence of "Dell Optimizer" software, if the logged in user was NOT a member of the local admins of the particular machine.


In our case we chose to remove the Dell Optimizer software and the problem has been resolved.






It turned out Dell Optimizer was the problem for us as well. Older system were not affected until Dell updates applied a newer version of Optimizer. All brand new Dell's had the the issue.

We had the same issue with Windows 11 on Dell Laptop search for for multiple hours for the solution call Meraki tech support that mentioned have read this solution on the internet so we did remove this ''Dell Optimiser service'' and everything is working thank you

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