Slowed Share File Access Over VPN

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Slowed Share File Access Over VPN

Our company has 4 locations. Each location has a Meraki MX80. All location communicate to our corporate server at location #1 over VPN's. Approximately 2 months ago, access to file shares located on the server at location #1 has slowed or become inaccessible. If I reboot the MX80 at location #1, fast access to the shares is restored only to degrade rapidly. I have exhausted my knowledge and would like some advice.

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Are you running a modern firmware like 13.28?


When it is running slow does the uplink show that it has plenty of capacity?  The last one of these I solved for a customer turned out to be an issue with One Drive.  The lady's husband had dropped 25GB of video into the account at home, and it kept saturating their connection at work when her machine was trying to download it.

Thank you for your reply!!

I am running the latest Meraki MX80 Firmware as of October 2017.

When access is slow, there is plenty of capacity remaining.

Any additional thoughts?



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