One-Armed Conentrator HA

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One-Armed Conentrator HA

Hello Folks,

This is my first post on community.

I have 2 x MX450 in HA mode one-arm vpn Concentrator over Palo Alto Firewall. In MX1 Internet interface MX2 Internet interface and WAN 1 shared IP
In my branch i have 1 link MPLS and 1 Link internet all connected in the meraki cloud. When i put the concentrator in HA mode the VPN with Branch over Internet does not work, just over MPLS. I remove the cable in the branch wan2 (MPLS), but route show-me "bad". When i remove the HA all its ok.

2 Replies 2
Head in the Cloud

Hello @Maiquel, welcome to the community.


Just so that I follow you when you remove the HA arrangement (i.e you have two separate MX450 in concentrator mode), the Auto-VPN over MPLS and internet for the Branch is up. When you put the MX450's into HA, the Auto-VPN works only over the MPLS connection?


Is this a correct assumption of your problem?

Eliot F | Simplifying IT with Cloud Solutions
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Hi @MilesMeraki, tks for your help.


I had some problem with ACL and NAT over Palo Alto for VRRP VIP. I did change and it worked. 



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