Meraki Cost Calculator

Kind of a big deal

Meraki Cost Calculator

Is it me or is the cost calculator tool missing Z3C?


@CameronMoody - you might need to take a look

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

I see it if I scroll all the way down under the MX category:




Kind of a big deal

Z3 yes, not Z3C

Kind of a big deal

Oop, my bad. Definitely didn't see the Z3C for cellular.

New here

The page (now) includes the Z3C if you select Teleworker, but the page seems broken in several other ways.

One, the list does not scroll - the page says "All items (27)", but only 9 are listed.



I can use the sub-categories and sort order to find what I want - awkward, but it works.Then when I click "Add to estimate", I get a popup to select licensing:


You can see it wants me to click a drop-down to pick an option. But the drop-down has no options:


If I click "Add to estimate", I get a response that I have to pick something:


I get a similar response with the other license options. None of them have any contents in the drop-down. And I find the same situation in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge, with my popup blocker disabled, and whether or no I'm logged in.


Oh, while my interest is in the MX105, the Z3C does the same thing:



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