MX80 50% throughput

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MX80 50% throughput



Does anyone have experience with the MX80? 

We are having the issue that the throughput gets lowered by 50% compared to a direct connection with my macbook.


I saw that there are problems with this and that Meraki would fix it in an firmware upgrade, does anyone know about this?


Thank you. 

11 Replies 11
Comes here often

Hi, did you try upgrading it to the latest Beta version trough Organization -> Firmware upgrades ?


Which version are you running currently ?




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No not beta yet, 

Up to date
Current version: MX 13.28
Would you recommend to go to beta? 
Thank you. 
Comes here often

If you are not in critical production enviroment yes, although from my experience beta is not a good thing to run in production, but for the sake of testing I would go for it yes ...

Head in the Cloud

How many active users do you have behind your MX? Are you using all the Advanced Security Features? Content filtering, IDS/IPS? 

Eliot F | Simplifying IT with Cloud Solutions
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5 users 

Everything is disabled at the moment. 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The MX80 is getting a bit long in the tooth now.  When you connect your Mac Book directly what throughput do you get?


According to an old spec sheet I found the advanced security throughput should be 125Mb/s and it can support up to 100 users.


Are you sure you don't have any traffic shaping configured?


Directly on the PPPOE network I get 98 Mb/s 

On the Meraki I get 48Mb/s 


All traffic Shaping not configured. 


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Does the speed/duplex settings of the WAN port match the PPPoE device?
Comes here often

Try setting speed and duplex to static instead auto.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It doesn't need to be static - it just needs to be the same on both sides.

Could be worth the try, will check with internet company., thanks. 

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