MX64W - Utilization on current channels HIGH

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MX64W - Utilization on current channels HIGH

Live data displaying utilization on current channels is higher than usual lately. Channel 1 often around 90% and states "very high, likely a problem".


PrtScr capture_4.png


Can someone please assist?




Up to date
Current version: MX 13.36



6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal

Check the RF Spectrum for that AP to see what it 'looks like', but otherwise, looks like there is something non-802.11 causing interference. Maybe a video camera etc.
Nolan Herring |

I can't see any new devices nearby that has caused this spike in utilization. Is there a setting I can change?


Also I am seeing things like this with only 2 clients connected.


PrtScr capture_5.png

Kind of a big deal

Go to Wireless>RF Spectrum

Should be able to see more from there, oh wait...not sure if the MX64W has that option so nevermind.

Fire up something like inSSIDer to see what the RF looks like on 2.4GHz in that area.

You can just use the trial version maybe or find an older version online.

Otherwise I was going to suggest showing what the neighbors you see are, but again I'm not certain if the MX64W has that capability.
Nolan Herring |
Kind of a big deal

Also, it doesn't matter how many clients you have connected to your AP. The frequency is unlicensed, so anything can use it, that has nothing to do with your network etc.

You can try changing the channel to 6 or 11, see if that helps clear it up a little.
Nolan Herring |

Channel 1 now sits at around 5-10% which is acceptable. The culprit seemed to be a MacBook Pro doing an upload connected via WiFi. Whilst ever connected and uploading, the utilization was very high and also the non 802.11 was at around 40%...

Kind of a big deal

Technically anything from 80% wireless usage and below is 'acceptable'. It just means your getting your monies worth is all, so nothing wrong with letting the AP do its job  😃


If a device is doing active file transfers etc. across the radio, then it seem only normal that the utilization would go up.


The non-802.11 interference is the stuff I worry about because it can usually be mitigated if you can track it down and remove it. Sometimes you can't though, and other 802.11 networks there isn't a thing you can do. Except maybe to talk to your competing network admins and work together to ensure nobody is using channels other than 1/6/11 and introducing ACI.


Your best bet is to get off 2.4GHz if you can, or at least have unique SSID's for each band so that you don't have to rely on band-steering not working 100% (because it won't).

Nolan Herring |
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