MX & AD integration - Simultaneos splash page login

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MX & AD integration - Simultaneos splash page login

Hello everyone
Someone who has worked this integration and can give me reference on how many simultaneous login per user supports? and the compatibility with different devices (Windows, MacOS, Android, IOS).


Is there a way to customize the splash page in this mode?


Thanks in advance.

3 Replies 3

Device based logins can be configured on SSID via the access control tab.

in regards to sessions a user can get, i dont think they have a limit apart from the standard port availability requirement. however need to test this one as i havent found any documentation about setting max session per user via the MX

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hey IDV,


You can find the maximum concurrent connections and connections per second on our sizing guide for the MX:


In an ideal world where all you are doing is splash page logins, as Niksutar mentioned, we'd probably be able to achieve a much higher amount, but in truth the MX is doing way more (NAT, Firewall, Content filter, Authentication, etc.) and therefore I'd rely on the info on the sizing guide and attempt to not exceed them as you might face issues. 


You can customise the Splash page independently of which method of authentication you are using by going to Security Appliance > Splash Page . If you create a Custom Theme, you'll be able to modify the HTML as well.


We support all devices, though you might encounter issues with older versions (e.g.: Windows XP, Android 4.X, ...)


Hope this helps!



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Hi guys.

I could not find a way to limit the number of sessions per user from the MX. Also, I noticed that when the Active Directory option is activated, the Access control and Splash page tabs disappear from the menu.

Thanks for your comments.

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