MX 100 Capability

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MX 100 Capability



I'm planning to buy an MX 100 for one of my remote sites. My initial plan was to connect a 600 Mbps DSL now my provider said they can give 1000/125 Mbps. I was checking the MX spec and it says 750 Mbps only. does it mean I wont be able to see a download speed more than 750 Mbps?




4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

Officially, no it won't be able to do more than 750Mbps at a time. But we've observed the MX100 being able to outperform it's specs.



Getting noticed

Ok, the spec talks about 750 Mbps firewall throughput but I will be using the MX just to provide Internet connectivity not for any specific firewall rules.

Getting noticed

I suspect even if you are not running the firewall there will be some processing taking place. Chances are it has a gigabit link (hardware side) but it is not able to process at line speed - like a switch. Hence they are stating 750mbs.  If you do not have a bunch of rules, then chances are you will be doing well. 750mbs is not to shabby really for a device like this. At home I have a router / firewall (non-meraki) and it is limited to 100mbs 😞

Building a reputation

It can do more than 750Mbps for short period, but cannot do it regulary.


So, if you need 1Gbps performance, you need to go to MX250.

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