Getting Server Error when adding networks to template

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Getting Server Error when adding networks to template

We've got two templates built for our dashboard.  One for MX250's and one for MX67's.  When trying to add a network to either one, we're getting a "Server Error" screen.  I have a ticket open with support, but wanted to see if the community has seen this.   

2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I haven't had that issue.

I found I could add our networks to another template, so something had to be up with those that were throwing the error.  Since there's no other networks bound to them, I took the brute force approach and deleted the templates and recreated them.  Then we could bind the networks to the new templates.  It require building a lot, but its done. 


Definitely not the elegant solution.



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