tech support sucks - 415-937-6671

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tech support sucks - 415-937-6671


asked to schedule call back or secure resource at 12pm AST since we need to dispatch someone on site, was told they don't do that, need to call in 15min in advance, the issue is I listened music for 25mins on the line for some tech to grab it, how can I make sure the phone will be pick up, the number I call is 415-937-6671. 

their manager told me the same thing and refuse to provide name and employee ID.


it's a big difference between Meraki and Cisco TAC support, can't even find a link/url to file a formal complain. 


well done Meraki

5 Replies 5
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more funny thing is in the case note,

Call dropped


his manager asked him to drop off, now seems like I dropped off, beautiful Meraki

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no sure how to upload audio file, recorded last 10s conversation, I said, going to recording now, please tell me your name and employee number, the 'manager' ask the tech 'drop the call right now', lol, what a fun time

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

That is very unfortunate.


Cisco TAC are better in this regard.


It might be worthwhile contracting a Cisco Partner to provide the enhanced support you are needing.

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what's the purpose to use a product that you will have to purchase 'enhanced support' just to schedule a call with a tech

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suggested we priorotize inbound calls and rather than wait on a schedule they should give support a call at the time palnned


'rather than wait on a schedule', does that mean schedule is still possible, just matter of this tech and his 'manager'?

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