Refining the DCHP Scope for Meraki-Go Wireless Network

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Refining the DCHP Scope for Meraki-Go Wireless Network

My Meraki-Go wireless network consists of a GX40 security gateway, several access points and a GS-110 switch.  I want to reduce the DHCP scope of the network from the default 8-bit mask to 16 or 24.  I can't seem to find how to do that.  


Some guidance would be greatly appreciated.




3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


Hello Bob,


Thank you for reaching out.

Please follow the documentation below to change your DHCP Scope for your wireless network(s):

Comes here often

When I connect to one of our two wireless networks I get an ip address assign to me in a subnet that is  That conflicts with other networks in our environment that are 10.x.x.x/24.  How do I change the DHCP scope in my Meraki Go wireless configuration to make that scope more like

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hey Bob,


The IP you're receiving via the wireless subnet is due to the Wireless address translation mode under Advanced Settings of the SSID you're configuring. When this is enabled for NAT mode, clients connecting to the SSID will receive an IP in that range.

Once you change and save this setting in Bridge mode; clients connected to the GR will get an IP from the device handing out DHCP within your wired LAN. Be sure that is created on that device with your desired VLAN.



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