Video: Meraki Licensing Co-Term vs. PDL

Meraki Employee

Meraki offers two licensing models: a Co-termination licensing (Co-term) model and a per-device licensing (PDL) model. Meraki customers typically use the Co-term licensing model by default unless they convert their organizations to the PDL model.


Check out this explanation of the Co-term model. 

We also offer the per-device licensing (PDL) model. Customers can choose to transition to the PDL model, which offers greater flexibility. Check out this chart comparing the two models. 


Co-term licensing
Per-device licensing
Where is licensing enforced?
How many expiration dates?
One or many
Is 30-day grace period still in effect?
What happens when device exceeds grace period?
Org shutdown
Device shutdown
When do license keys begin to burn (count down)?
Order generated
Delayed up to 90 days
What are the available license durations?
1, 3, 5, 7, 10 years
1 day, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 years
Is it possible to migrate the license between orgs
using both the dashboard and API?


This video is part of the Licensing and Inventory module in the Meraki Platform Fundamentals course. If you want to learn more, you can complete the module in about 30 minutes or less!