contents of cellularNetworkUp  / Down trap ?

Getting noticed

contents of cellularNetworkUp  / Down trap ?


Would anyone know what type of data / contents would be in these: 
- devInterfaceModel
- devInterfaceCarrier
- devInterfaceName

I have a good idea of that the -- devInterfaceName might look like based on linkStatusChanged Events - 
but have no idea what the others would *really* contain? 
- devInterfaceModel - cellmodem-modelXW234234ST 
- devInterfaceCarrier - PacBell Cellular 
- devInterfaceName - Interface 2 

# cellularNetworkUp                 networkName,2)\
# organizationName,0)\
# devMac,0)\
# devInterfaceModel,6)\
# devInterfaceCarrier,0)\
# devInterfaceName,0)

Thank All Y'All 


4 Replies 4
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi Don! 


If you are referring to the the actual attributes that are received from the Object being polled, they are data pulled from the Meraki dashboard, which are relevant to the devices referenced in the polled Object. 


Descriptions of the Objects can be found within the Meraki Proprietary MIB, which can be downloaded from the "Download MIB" link under Organization > Configure Settings > SNMP.


For example, within in the downloadable MIB we see devInterfaceCarrier is listed as an object-type, details a syntax of DisplayString, and a description of "The carrier for the interface. Useful for cellular interfaces." The carrier name may match what you see in the Security & SD-WAN > Monitor > Appliance Status > Uplink under the Cellular > Provider section. 

Please let me know if you have any additional questions on this!

Getting noticed

Hello JosRus,


Specifically in the case of devInterfaceModel , seeing this is a list attribute would the instance be passed with the value ?


thank you,


Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hey Don, 


devInterfaceModel is also an object-type with the same syntax of DisplayString, and it would appear as an Object passed in the cellularNetworkUp and cellularNetworkDown SNMP Traps, along with other details. For example, the full list of the cellularNetworkDown Trap shows it passes all of the following Objects:

  • organizationName
  • networkName
  • devMac
  • devInterfaceModel
  • devInterfaceCarrier
  • devInterfaceName

These were taken from the list in the Meraki Proprietary MIB, which can be downloaded from the "Download MIB" link under Organization Configure Settings SNMP.




Getting noticed

Hello Gentlemen, 

I don't have access to the Prod Meraki console and have no idea how to find * A* device in the sea of 40,000 that has those values filled in 🙂
So I am looking for someone to share actual examples of what I can expect to see in those variables. 


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