I am in the process of designing a site using the full Meraki stack.
All Layer 3 routing will be done on the "5th floor" stack,
All other switches and switch stacks (other floors) will come from this Core stack, with a Single transient VLAN passing all external destined traffic to the MX .
This is a combined network, and I am looking at the best method for Tracking Clients ?
According to the Meraki documentation, I can’t track by IP as this isn’t supported in a combined network.
Tracking by client MAC address isn’t an option for us, because the switches are doing the layer 3 and the downstream clients are not on the same broadcast domain as the MX.
Our only option seems to be the Cloud tracking, which is still in beta.
Does anyone have any advice as to how the Cloud tracking works and good/bad experiences with it, and will it provide the client tracking information?