🎉😎 Early Access: Named VLANs MS Port Configuration!

We are excited to share that Named VLANs MS Port Configuration can be enabled via the Early Access Page. This is our first step in building out continued functionality and simplicity by taking advantage of the VLAN Profiles feature on various configuration elements throughout the dashboard.  Navigate to Organization > Early Access page, and toggle “Opt-in" now! 

What is it? 

This will enable end admins to document VLAN uses and leverage the naming as a way to humanize troubleshooting and day 2 moves/adds/changes in a concise manner, from switchport configurations and down the road, enabling use across any place in the dashboard where a VLAN ID is a field to populate. The initial release will support access and trunk ports. The use of names as a value will be available on:

Access ports (Single VLAN name only):
  • data VLANs
  • voice VLANs
Trunk ports:
  • Native VLAN will use the Single Name to ID map
  • Allowed VLAN list will be able to use the VLAN groups


The list of names will be pulled from the default VLAN Profile, with the mapping of name and group from the device’s configured VLAN profile whether default or non-default profile.
How to enable this when the functionality is live? 
Navigate to Organization > Early Access page, and toggle “Opt-in” 
Supporting Documentation:
VLAN Profiles (Now GA!)