The Systems Manager app for Android has been updated with enhancements for Kiosk mode. This is a great way to lock down managed Android devices so they can only access specific applications. These Kiosk mode enhancements include:
- Configure device for Kiosk into a Single-App Kiosk or into Multi-App Kiosk
- When using Multi-App Kiosk, remotely control device's branding logo/text/color
- Set brightness (automatic or 1-100%)
- Set screen orientation (automatic, landscape locked, or portrait locked)
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements

Bonus tip: Kiosk mode feature goes great with Android Zero Touch Enrollment (ZTE). ZTE allows Android devices to automatically enroll into your organization in Device Owner mode (required for Kiosk) upon initial setup, and optionally go directly into this Kiosk mode state. Perfect peace of mind for company owned point of sale devices and restaurant menu/ordering tablets!