How Meraki handle the upgrade of cloud instances

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How Meraki handle the upgrade of cloud instances

How Meraki handle the upgrade of cloud instances 
do we require downtime of management or we have to can move APs to another DR instance and upgrade the primary node
3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

What exactly do you mean by "upgrade of cloud instances"? Upgrades that Meraki does on the Dashboard? You'll not notice anything unless they're sending you a note about a downtime.

Even then, your equipment on premises will continue to work as expected, so your network is completely unaffected by the Cloud upgrade.

A model citizen

Like @CptnCrnch "Cloud" upgrades  you will never notice any down time.. Firmware upgrades on the other hand will require a reboot after the upgrade is complete.. Luckily this normally takes only a minuet or two and you can schedule them when ever works for you.

Dakota Snow | Network-dad Linkdedin
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Kind of a big deal

Perhaps this is along the lines of what you mean?


When you browse to the cloud you connect to a "shard" that's denoted by the "nxxx" number in the URL. That shard is made up of two mirrored sets of hardware at two different Meraki data centres. Assuming Meraki has to do any work on one set of infrastructure they would simply change the DNS resolution on your shard to point to the alternate DC. 


This changing of DNS can actually happen at any time, and probably has to you but you never noticed. 


To illustrate, let's pick a random shard, say N45, and look at the DNS:




You can see that N45 is actually just a CNAME for SDG194. SDG194 is the DC and actual hardware where this shard currently points to. If, for any reason SDG194 was undesirable for use Meraki can alter that DNS CNAME record to point to another DC, like maybe DAL.


I know DAL is another DC because that's where N46 is actually pointing to right now:




Hopefully that helps 🙂

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