Thanks for the reply. I do understand that it would be helpful to share the code that I am working with, but.... I am trying to get "permission" to share parts of the code from the team that we had develop it. I was asked to "keep it private" unless I got approval. In the code, as it was given to me, we have an external file containing our environmental variable, like username, password, and a variable for "portId" that is currently hard coded to a single port. Then the main program just processes against that individual port. I have found (since I initially opened this question) that the API returns a status of "isUplink" and that is apparently what I need to key on. I am now attempting to build a function (possibly not the correct name, so forgive if I misspeak, newbie here) that will have an If/Then (your refernce material will be helpful in this) statement that will evaluate: If port:9 AND "isUplink:"True" then set portId=9, Else portId=10 That is my crude, psuedo code if you will of what I THINK will give me the setting I need. It is simplistic, but I would need to call that for each switch I process, as we typically deploy these roughly 100 at a time, and that is why I was thinking to place this is a function. Then I could call that function on each repetition of the logic. This project is my first time working with Meraki equipment, and first time attempting to program anything.
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