We are looking to use the API to create, modify and delete admin accounts from our AD in security groups. I have a test user I created the account for just fine, and I find and delete said user pretty easily with a little POSH work. However, when I run the update command, it processes "successfully" but the user isn't updated. We use the "orgAccess" field to denote read/write privileges since our setup is simple. We have a few users who are "read-only" and some network guys that are "full." I'd also like to be able to update the name and/or email address based on HR required name changes. My script is below. Any advice would be great. Thank you. ----------------- [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $Headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $Headers.Add("Accept", "*/*") $Headers.Add("X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key", "$Key") <# GET LIST OF USERS AND NARROW TO REQUESTED #> $Response = Invoke-RestMethod 'https://$($Key).meraki.com/api/v0/organizations/$($Org)/admins' -Method 'GET' -Headers $Headers $NDX = $Response.email.IndexOf("%Email%") $User = $Response[$NDX] <# SET NEW VARIABLES #> $URL = 'https://$($Base).meraki.com/api/v0/organizations/$($Org)/admins/'+$user.id $Body2 = '{ `n "name": "$($DisplayName)", `n "email": "$($Email)", `n "networks": [], `n "tags": [], `n "orgAccess": "$($AccessType)" }' <# UPDATE ACCOUNT #> $Response2 = Invoke-RestMethod $URL -Method 'PUT' -Headers $Headers -Body $Body2 $Response2
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