Hi guys , This is fairly new right ? : https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Monitoring_and_Reporting/Client_Tracking_Options Cloud Track Cloud Track is a Meraki technology that leverages network topology and device information to uniquely identify and track clients. It uses an algorithm that intelligently correlates client MAC and IP addresses seen across the Meraki stack, allowing the security appliance to generate a unique identifier for each client in a combined network with other Meraki devices. This is specifically useful when there are Meraki MS switches routing layer 3 between end clients and the security appliance, which segregates broadcast traffic containing the client's MAC address. This method should be used only if the network has downstream layer 3 routing devices that are all Meraki devices. In this deployment scenario, tracking by IP would otherwise require the security appliance to be split into a separate dashboard network, as tracking by IP is not supported in combined networks. Tracking by MAC would fail to identify end client devices due to the layer 3 boundary, associating downstream client traffic to the routing switch and negatively affecting network usage numbers in dashboard
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