Hi , I have been experimenting lots of timeouts with api.meraki.com recently. I have tried with both my personal PC on my home network AND from my work PC from corporate network. I was able to take a pcap of what is happening : On packet 6448 Meraki ACK my api call but then 120 seconds later Meraki tears the connection due to inactivity... but I was waiting on them to retrieve me the info... Python requests module returns : requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) The API call made seems to always be : '{0}/networks/{1}/devices'.format(str(base_url_v1), str(networkID)). It's never the same network but they are in the same Org ( Org isnt specified here ) I'm not using the SDK , I'm using a simple function with requests. def getNetworkDevice(apikey, networkID):
geturl = '{0}/networks/{1}/devices'.format(str(base_url_v1), str(networkID))
dashboard = requests.get(geturl, headers=headers,timeout=600)
result = __returnhandler(dashboard.status_code, dashboard.text)
return result Has anyone ever seen those kind of issue ? I'm about to open a ticket. I know I could simply use a smaller timeout than Meraki and retry until I get a response , but this is only a temp fix.
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