AndreaP has earned 7 badges!
ECMS1Sep 5 2023Earned by 4,747Congratulations on receiving the ECMS1 badge! ECMS1 (Engineering Cisco Meraki Solutions 1) is an instructor-led intro-level technical training.
CMNASep 2 2022Earned by 16,541Congratulations on receiving the CMNA badge! Certified Meraki Network Associates are Meraki partners who have completed our hands-on lab class.
Meraki FIT Level OneFeb 4 2022Earned by 11,767Congratulations on receiving the Meraki FIT Level One badge! Meraki FIT is our partner training in the fundamentals of selling Meraki.
Meraki FIT Level TwoApr 14 2023Earned by 6,336Congratulations on receiving the Meraki FIT Level Two badge! Meraki FIT is our partner training in the fundamentals of selling Meraki.
First 5 PostsJun 4 2024Earned by 5,422The First 5 Posts Badge is awarded to all community members who have written 5 posts. Congratulations!
Lift-OffJun 4 2024Earned by 8,261You’ve completed the pre-flight checklist here in the Community: written a post, given a kudo, and logged in more than once. Congratulations!
Meraki Learning TesterJun 15 2023Earned by 33The Meraki Learning Tester badge is awarded to community members who participated in a Meraki Learning research session at CLUS 2023.