daniel_abbatt has earned 5 badges!
25 PostsApr 17 2023Earned by 831The 25 Posts Badge is awarded to all community members who have written 25 posts. Congratulations!
First 5 PostsMar 7 2022Earned by 5,535The First 5 Posts Badge is awarded to all community members who have written 5 posts. Congratulations!
First 10 KudosApr 17 2023Earned by 1,288The First 10 Kudos Badge is awarded to all community members who have received 10 kudos. Congratulations!
5+ SolutionsApr 28 2023Earned by 197The 5+ Solutions Badge is granted to members who have had 5 or more responses marked as a solution. Congratulations!
First SolutionMar 8 2022Earned by 1,654The First Solution Badge is granted to members whose response has been marked as a solution. Congratulations!