Network List to CSV - Python code sample


Network List to CSV - Python code sample

Hello Folks,


Just wanted to share a script I wrote to get a list of networks and their network IDs.  It'll output a CSV file with the network details.


Brief example of the CSV:




To run this script on a windows box:

  1. Save the Network List curl output to a file named "Network list.txt" in the same directory as the script. The output will be a single line.
  2. Open a CMD prompt.
  3. cd to the directory of the script.
  4. Verify the curl output is saved as "Network list.txt"
  5. Run 'py' in the cmd prompt.

After the script runs, you'll have a csv file created in the same directory as the script. It can then be opened in your spreadsheet software.


Let me know if you have questions or comments.


Github link / sourcecode

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