API - get snmp ifOperStatus (if a client is connected to port)

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API - get snmp ifOperStatus (if a client is connected to port)

Hi guys,


1. Is there an API call to get port information from a switch network, besides

GET /devices/[serial]/switchPorts

I want to know if there's a client connect to it, like snmp ifOperStatus, without calling for clients specially for that.




2. Also if there is an API call with sent and recieved amounts, such as InOctets/OutOctets, for port.

there is something similar in

GET /devices/[serial]/clients

"usage": {
"sent": 80,
"recv": 106


Thanks in advance


1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi CiscoUser,


I will attempt to address your questions below:


In regards to the 1st question. Currently, the API call you referenced is the correct API for port information. At the moment there are no alternatives.


as for the 2nd, there are currently no API calls that will provide the in/out octet count in the manner an SNMP get would provide.


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