Hi There,
We appear to be having an issue accessing certain websites, assuming it's Content Filter related however we're not getting the actual standard Content Filter warning page appear. So far its happening to a handful of websites, I cant work out where the common factor lies.
Anyone else seen this before? The reference ID changes with every refresh.
Agreed, that doesn't look like a Meraki content filtered page. Try adding that site to the whitelist to see if it changes anything.
Edit: Try a different browser and computer as well. Based on this could be a local thing
Tried in IE but still the same message. Happening across multiple machines here too.
Also added to Whitelist but still no cigar 😞
Agree with @Adam here. Or try disconnecting a device, whitelisting it, and then reconnecting and testing.
Meraki uses Webroot's BrightCloud for content filtering. You can check which categories a website falls under on their site: https://www.brightcloud.com/tools/url-ip-lookup.php
Another thing you may want to try is overriding the DNS on one of the computers to see if it makes a difference. Try just using a static of and or something to test. Could be some strange upstream DNS issue.
Will try this, thanks!
It's also interesting that your url bar shows https, but the error message shows that http is blocked.
@WadeAlsup wrote:It's also interesting that your url bar shows https, but the error message shows that http is blocked.
That might be part of this actually...
If I browse to https://asos.com I am actually redirected to http://asos.com.
That is a typical page presented by a CDN inside of a provider that has been configured to only allow access to a providers IP address ranges - and it has been access outside of the provider.
This most frequently happens when you use DNS servers that are different to the providers DNS servers. So lets say you are with ISP1, are using ISP1 DNS servers, and then change to ISP2 but don't update your DNS. ISP1 will give out the IP addresses of the CDN node in their network - but you are now not allowed to access it,