API Newbie - Suggestions getting started?


API Newbie - Suggestions getting started?

Hey Everyone, 


I am trying to dip my toe into working with Meraki API's to collect data or even maybe make some changes. I see the value and potential in it, but haven't really broken through that barrier to entry yet. I took several programming classes in college and high school, but no real experience working with API's or Python specifically. 


Does anyone have any good resources that they could refer me to to getting started with this kind of stuff? I have a Meraki Lab at home, and would love to be able to play around with that setup, just getting familiar with the connections and work flows. I really learn well from video/example formats. I tend to learn best by doing. 


Really appreciate any suggestions you can offer me! 



6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal

DevNet has some good very basic labs for getting your feet wet!


My personal approach was to figure out a thing I wanted to do, then learn how to make a script that did that thing. I started off pretty simply - I needed a widget to fetch CDP information for MXes.


I will definitely go through those labs. Thank You! I figured there was something like this out there, just hadn't found it yet.

I like your approach. I will probably do something similar.


To get started with Python, I kind of enjoyed Google's python training:



Unfortunately it's quite old and based on Python 2.x. For basic stuff the difference between the two is minimal though.


Seems like Microsoft has a similar thing, but for Python 3. I can't comment on the quality of it as I haven't done it, but I'd think it's probably good if Microsoft put their name under it...



Whatever way you go, you'll enjoy Python. It's an easy language to work with.


Regarding getting started with the Meraki API, there's another topic with that question. Have look through it:



Then just simply give it a try. If you experience problems you can't solve, come to the community and we'll gladly help out!


Kind of a big deal

Coding games are fun too! I do Checkio.org because it was pretty and the Python exercises are presented in ways I understand. It's a good way to learn how to do things using the basic libraries, especially string manipulation.


Plus you get points, do quests, and open up new areas as you earn experience. What's not to love?

Getting noticed

Just want to point out you don't need to use Python if there are other scripting languages you are more comfortable with.  We use both nodejs and php at my company and pretty much any language that can make an HTTP request will work.  So if you do feel comfortable with something else, you may want to start there.


With that said, if you still don't have any idea where to start the majority of the samples and SDKs available for Meraki API are Python based, so the resources already provide in this thread are great to start with.

Kind of a big deal

@BrianP is correct. There's always options. I fell into Python personally, so that's the one I can talk most about.


There's an active node.js SDK as well, and I know there are people who use node.js in general heavily for Meraki kit.

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