onboarding down?

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onboarding down?

has anyone been able to onboard a device today / this past weekend?  getting this error in pre-check.  I tried from multiple Macs.  switch and the Macs in question can successfully reach the us.tlsgw.meraki.com on tcp/443.


[2022-09-19 11:54:27.322] [info] Pre-check error occurred. Sending error to the UI [dv-9e1d5391-775e-41e1-8e27-1fd9950c80d2] telnet us.tlsgw.meraki.com 443
Trying us.tlsgw.meraki.com (, 443)... Open

[2022-09-19 11:54:27.327] [info] CLIENT_EVENT :: Client received device pre-check error [dv-9e1d5391-775e-41e1-8e27-1fd9950c80d2] {
id: 'dv-9e1d5391-775e-41e1-8e27-1fd9950c80d2',
error: 'Error: telnet us.tlsgw.meraki.com 443\n' +
'Trying us.tlsgw.meraki.com (, 443)... Open\n' +

5 Replies 5
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I can get an Android device into the system but can not provision apps. Not sure if this is related. I am getting this error Error: Google::Apis::ClientError notFound: No device was found for the given id. somethings not right

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I was able to deploy at the end of day yesterday, but with issues such as the SM app not auto installing the apps. had to go into the play store and manually install them. Hope you were able to get yours deployed.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

The command above "telnet us.tlsgw.meraki.com 443" is attempted from the CLI on the switch itself. Errors can occur if there are firewall issues preventing the connection or missing routing information and/or permissions on the switch.


Can you try "telnet us.tlsgw.meraki.com 443" from the switch CLI and check the output to see if there are any errors? The switch "show log" may have additional information as well.

I have, and that command works (I get an open connection).  I'll send a CLI log shortly.

appears to connect just fine, shows an identical response to two other 9k's I have onboarded into Meraki.


9300-sfld-1#telnet us.tlsgw.meraki.com 443
Trying us.tlsgw.meraki.com (, 443)... Open



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