Firmware Update Reports

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Firmware Update Reports

Hi there,

My organization has MX64 and 65 as well as WAPs and switches. I do regular updates of the firmware on the devices, however I would like to be able to produce reports showing when the upgrades happen and from what version it was upgraded on.


I have searched through the documentation and cannot find anything to do it. We require it for a security certification.


Any idea on if the devices are capable of this or will I have to maintain a manual register?

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @Rob_Jandausch the most recent firmware upgrades/downgrades are maintained in a "Most recent changes" table on the Organization > Monitor > Firmware Upgrades page.  Beyond that, Meraki Support can assist with historical firmware data, which firmware was running when, in case that type of historical info be required. So yes that info is maintained but on the back-end and available via simple support ticket if needed. 

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